Just a quick note about boot camps. I run one for women-only, although not exactly. By that I mean my workout has women running, jumping, crawling, rolling, lifting, tossing medicine balls and more. But, and I repeat but, I refer to my workout as a Total Body Get Down (TBGD). The title is pretty self explanatory and the workout is similar to other fitness boot camps but the difference is in the name. Boot camps by definition are the training session soldiers go through in the military, agreed? I am not now nor have I ever served in the military and it is this reason that I do not call my workout a boot camp. I have nothing against the military in fact the opposite is true. I respect the military to the point that I'm not going to hijack their term to make myself sound more legit.
If men or women are or were in the military and they are running a fitness boot camp, then all the power to them for they are 'legit'. I'd be implying that I'm something I'm not if I called my workout a boot camp. Many will not agree but it's the way I see it. I ain't a hater nor am I an impostor.
And that my friends is the short story of how and why my fitness workout for women is called a 'Total Body Get Down' and not a boot camp. So come on down ladies and get strong, feel good and leave it all on the field!