A lovely woman with a British accent by the name or (Gwen we'll call her). Was the perfect mark. When I told her I wanted something natural and hard-hitting to knock the cold into oblivion, Gwen didin't hesitate a lick in recommending oil of oregano. She told me that oil of O' kills unwanted bacteria, fungus, yeast, parasites and viruses. I was all in, besides its an herb I enjoy cooking with anyway.
I responded, "Well, I'm not sure that I've got all of that going on but let's give 'er a try." I went home, followed the instructions and two days later I was where I needed to be. The cold never took hold, Ha! As a result I swear by it. I decided to troll around websites hither and yon and found that there is an even bigger endorser than me. Dr. Cass Ingram wrote a book entitled 'The Cure Is In The Cupboard'
And this good doctor claims that oil of O has more than 170 amazing uses to it. Some of those being: aid in the curing of athletes foot, psoriasis, eczema, worms, sinusitis, dandruff, diaper rash, venomous bites, bee stings. It can reduce fever, relieve cramps, and slow down mumps and measles. Holy dinah what a miracle drug of nature! This blogger has not tested the over 170 uses the good doctor claims but heck if half of them are true...
Ancient Greeks used the natural elixir to relieve infection related illnesses and diseases. See what's happening here? This is an example of when society needs to go back-to move forward. Oil of oregano is gaining popularity with holistic types as well as the everyday joe as we are tiring of antibiotics and their side effects, cost and not-entirely-reliable factor.
Please note that I am not a doctor nor can I claim the 170 plus uses Dr. Ingram claims but this jazz knocked the cold out of me like Mohammed Ali used to knock his opponents down back in the day.