Fitness and Wellness

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Eat Right And Feel The Might

Lately I've been hearing a common theme from clients and friends. "I workout X number of days per week, but I'm not losing weight." As much as it pains me to say this (although not really) it may be time to look at your diet. And by diet I'm referring to what you eat not, a specific diet like Jenny Craig or Atkins. (And for legal reasons I'm not knocking those diets either, by the way). The first order of business is portion size. Generally speaking restaurants across this great nation give you far more than you need. If you don't believe me just look at the obesity rate in America. Next look at 'what' you are eating. If you eat fast food at all then just throw in the towel immediately. Don't do it! Stay away from the fast food light!


You've got new sneakers and a cool workout outfit. You've joined a gym or in some other way you've managed to jump off the couch. Good for you. You've started your new routine but don't have a ton of energy and you're not getting the gains you want. Why? Your body needs fuel. This is then converted into energy which leads to a kicka** workout. But I'm here to tell you that fast food ain't gonna give you didley squat! You'll push and push but a lean mean fightin' machine you will not become! Eating fast food is like putting bad gasoline in your car. Oh, it'll move but it'll sputter, spit and cough and before you know it your're taking her to the mechanic. Comprendez?


Keep a journal of everything you eat for one whole week. No cheating. At the end of the week spread out your food map on a table like an international spy would before a dangerous assignment and ask yourself what you could cut? Were you getting enough greens and fruit? How many little donuts did you actually sneak? And yes you absolutely have to count those silly concoctions from a joint that rhymes with Carducks that truly have little to do Can you imagine? People get a 'coffee' drink with caramel syrup and whip cream out of a can!!! a can I say!!! And they wonder, "Gee Doc I get these funny chest pains when I run on the treadmill."

Next, drink lots of water. Try substituting it for a snack. Like when you feel that urge come on for one of your fave muffins that although contains bran is the size of a grapefruit. (And, ironically a grapefruit would be the better choice). But if you absolutely must snack then go for the carrot sticks or other veggies. They're non fat and energizing too! Yeehaw! Another good snack is nuts. Specifically almonds and walnuts.


Little known fact, as Cliff Clayvin of t.v. show Cheers used to say, is after actor Christian Bale finished the shooting the movie The Machinist he needed to gain weight fast. (Not the muscle part, just weight, as his Machinist character starves and gets down to 122 lbs.) He gained the weight back quickly by eating...wait for it...bread! So be careful how much bread y'all intake.

And so ends this this first blog entry. Stop by again for more fitness facts, fables and funky words.

Peace, love and fitness to you all

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