Here's a quick defense tip. Be you male or female at some point, no doubt through no fault of your own, you may find yourself in a headlock. Here is what it is: The basic headlock applier (if right handed) will wrap their right hand around your neck and bend you forward. Their right fist will be under your chin and their left hand will grab their right wrist to secure the 'lock'. Now then, before long they will notice that this hold won't choke you out (cause you to fall asleep and snore on the pavement).
In frustration or anger they will then attempt to punch you in the face with their left fist...much like any self respecting hockey player might do. They may also tilt your head up hoping to feed the fist to your pretty face. First of all; DON'T PANIC. Okay, now then, take your right hand and attempt to block two of his punches. It doesn't matter if you actually block the punches it's more about the 'head-locker' focusing on your blocks. Keep that chin of yours tucked as well. After two blocks make your right hand into a fist and give the attacker two quick and very firm punches to his groin. If either one connects you shall be free to run away, taunt or shout, "shame on you, you side-winding head-locking assailant!" Mission accomplished!
Remember, good people don't start trouble but they do defend for good, not evil!
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