Fitness and Wellness

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Friday, May 4, 2012

Feeding Tube Diet...Seriously?

 The latest weight loss craze is as follows: ‘brides sign up now to lose ten pounds in two weeks!’ That’s not too crazy on its own but it is the method that is insane. Here comes that magic bullet again. These brides are going on the feeding tube diet. Yes, you read that correctly. Women are having tubes filled with some sort of protein-type cocktail fed into their bodies via a tube. One would think that this takes place in a hospital or doctor’s office. Au contraire; it may begin that way but this contraption is portable, baby.

 If you’re not embarrassed by the appearance of a thin white tube crawling around the back of your ear, snaking across your face and then having it dive into your nostril well, I must give you props for that. But that’s where the ‘props’ end. Because if you are the type to wait until the last minute prior to-the best day of your life-to partake of the magic pill then I guarantee that the minute the wedding photos are done you’ll be running not walking to that wedding cake. Furthermore, this new over-hearty appetite will no doubt carry on into the honeymoon stage until within one week you will have put back the original ten pounds that you lost. Not only that I bet you’ll put on more than the original ten, as is often the case.

And what about you so-called doctors? You cats will truly do anything for a buck won't you. You need to take a good long look at your diploma and ask yourselves, "Doc, dude, what am I doing?' You should be encouraging these people to live healthily not, "Hold still sweetheart while I jam this tube up your nose, that-a-girl." Has the pursuit of the almighty dollar clouded the part of your memory where the Hippocratic oath resides?

Come on America stop these silly gimmicks. Put an end to these fly by night schemes. Just because some doctors say its safe doesn't meant its wise. There ain’t nothing like the real thing people and the real thing is proper diet and exercise. Come train with me and we’ll bury this feeding tube nonsense forever.

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