Fitness and Wellness

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Are You Nuts?!?

Over the years there's been a seesaw battle about the health factor of nuts. We were told that although high in protein they are too fatty. Well, the scientists have been studying and as a result, nuts are back! You'll never guess what part of the problem with nuts was. Give up? Portion size. We were over consuming...yet again. Picture yourself at a party. Your wonderful host plops a small bowl of nuts in front of you. You partake, for it would be rude not to. The bowl empties and your fearless host tops it up for you. You, in full innocence only take little hand fulls at a time. Flash forward to two hours later you've been pounding nuts faster than you've been sipping chardonnay while you wait for the over cooked roast. In short, that's a lot o' nuts people. So keep the intake amount in mind.

Let's look at the top three nuts shall we? First place we have the always enjoyable walnut. Yeehaw! Walnuts not only have a good amount of protein but they possess the ability to attack bad cholesterol (LDL). They show up like a Clint Eastwood character and order the bad LDL out of town...or out of your body. Their also rich in omega 3s, the essential fatty acid that protects the heart. Walnuts also help cognitive function so we can appear like, ah smart and stuff. Also the nut contains the antioxidant ellagic acid which fights cancer. Dude, this nut is no joke.

Next up is almonds. These guys contain magnesium and vitamin E. Add to this potassium which many believe keep muscle cramps at bay during exercise. In animal studies almonds have been found to fight colon cancer.

And now, drum roll please. Rounding out the top three is a favorite of mine which I was even prepared to consume regardless of what scientists found. Wait for it; here it is; cashews. Yeah baby, yeah! My friend the cashew has been beaten up the most for being a fatty offender. Ha, no more. And a big au contaire, for the cashew is lower than most nuts in fat. Furthermore, 65% of this fat is unsaturated fat, and 90% of that is oleic acid which is the heart healthy fat found in olive oil.

There it is. Go nuts for nuts. Just don't knock back nuts for two hours straight while waiting for the lobster bisque to hit the table. Stay fit people, your life depends on it.

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