As of late many of my clients (and not just the ladies) are subscribing to what I believe is a crazy subconscious notion. And that is, "if I don't eat too much during the day I'll lose weight. Yah!" I say subconscious because who in their conscious mind would believe that after eight hours of sleep a rice cake with a half teaspoon of peanut butter will get them through their work day? Children know this is insanity. Try putting a toddler on this diet and ten minutes past lunch time she'll cry, scream, pout, hold her stomach and more. But we as educated grown ups actually choose this nonsensical behavior. Believe me I've heard it all: "I don't know where the time went?...I'm too busy at work to stop and eat...My fridge is empty, I need to shop...I'm just not hungry during the day..." Poppycock, hooey and balderdash!
This kooky life choice be it conscious or not comes under the diet umbrella and it is pure madness. Let's be clear, your diet is all that you put in YOU. Experts all over the world agree on this one fact: To be the best you, you can be one needs to have a balanced and healthy diet. As with most things on this lovely planet, balance is the key.
Dieting or semi-starvation can lead to lethargy,depression, decreased attention span, weakness, and the big ones; anorexia and bulimia. But hold the iphone, there's more. Let us not leave out hair loss, anxiety, high blood pressure and more...than I care to list here.
Come on folks use your universe-given intelligence. Your body is a machine and gosh dang it, it needs fuel. When a car runs out of fuel it chokes and sputters until it finally stops moving. Our bodies being more complex than a car are more resilient. The down side is that when we withhold proper sustenance our bodies while fighting for our survival buy us time...to build up all of these symptoms and THEN we pay the ultimate price.
The solution is simple. Eat properly, exercise frequently, get rest and drink lots of water. Follow these fundamentals and you've got the best fighting chance at happiness, strength, energy and longevity.
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