First things first: if you're looking for a fitness trainer reach me at: Today I combined good old fashioned weight lifting with age old yoga. Not at the same time mind you.
What I like about working out this way is that the yoga serves as a sort of lengthy cool down. And believe me this cat digs cooling down. I usually like some sort of hard driving rock music or heavyweight funk music to go along with the weight lifting but today I changed it up. I headed over to youtube and listened to motivational speaker Kyle Cease.
This isn't the first time I've done this nor are the messages anything new or ground breaking but having positive messages floating around in the background can't hurt. Even as I tune out from time to time I tell myself that the positive words are seeping into my cranium through osmosis. As I said, it can't hurt right?'
Part I
The Workout: 3 cycles
Time: 26 minutes
Music: None. Motivational speaker/Comedian Kyle Cease
Upper body weights:
Bench press (alternating dumbbells) 40 lbs. dumbbells--20 reps/ arm
Tools of the day |
Lawnmowers (dumbbell row) 40 lbs. dumbbells--16 reps/ arm
Cable pull downs--high tension 16 reps/ arm
Curls 40 lbs. dumbbells--8 reps/ arm
Shoulder press 25lbs. dumbbells--16 reps
**If you're wondering why the weights I use aren't that heavy its because those days are behind me. When I was a young knucklehead it was all about getting bigger. Today its about staying strong and maintaining what I've got and being able to remain mobile. Mobility is WAY high on my list of priorities! BTW I use the swiss ball as my bench for bench press. It brings in a balance aspect to the alternating bench.
Part II
Time: 35 minutes (Total combined workout: 61 minutes)
Youtube: Donna from
**I've been doing yoga off and on for about 10 years and I'm here to tell you that it should really be more on than off. There are so many benefits to yoga that there are too many to count. Besides, I'm sure you've heard it all before. I don't belong to any yoga studio and have only done about a dozen (or less) studio classes to date. I either use videos at home or more recently I hop on youtube and plug in 'yoga' and a time length. Gotta love youtube! Donna from 'the yoga vine' has some great videos on youtube. I highly recommend her.
If ever you're in need for a fitness trainer leave me a message here or reach me at:
See y'all tomorrow!